People declare the Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, and watch “It’s A Wonderful Life.” Often it is. What sometimes follows in January can bring stress to your marriage because now it’s time to pay the bills for all that Santa brings. One of the major stressers in any marriage is money. Luke 14:28 “For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?”

A lot of marriages start on the premise that love is enough. When life intrudes on that, love can be strained. Finances are one of those intrusions. How do we beat this intrusions?

First, work together on your finances. Michelle and I have done this from the beginning of our marriage. It is not my money. It is not her money. It is all our money. There have been times when she has not worked outside the home. We worked together to figure out how to get by. This means we have to consider ownership. Everything you have belongs to God. Stop thinking about the money you have as “my money.” Use it according to the Lord’s priorities. This will help you.

Next, with God’s priorities in mind, set up a plan for your money. You either plan for your money or you won’t have any. Spend time together planning how to make the most of your money, God’s way. As you plan, pray. Ask God for his help with your finances. It makes a difference. Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Finally, declare your support for one another. In every marriage, one person normally has a little bit better ability to understand how money works. Rather than getting fussed about, support one another and use that ability to your mutual advantage. You are in this together. Realize that and use it to grow your love and respect for each other.

These principles will help with your finances, but really, they are applicable to every area of your marriage. It helps the entire year to be the most wonderful time of the year!