One of the most important things in any marriage is communication. If husband and wife do not take time to communicate, they deny themselves the fabric necessary to hold their marriage in place. The Bible gives us a foundational principle for communication between husband and wife. James 1:19 “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.”

The bigger part of communication is taking time to listen to one another. When we are swift to hear, we show concern for the interest of our spouse and have made it clear that we have a vested interest in the needs and interest in of our spouse.

If we are slow to speak, it is a whole lot less likely that we will say something hurtful. In fact, what we say, according to the Bible, can either build people up, or cut people down. To be slow to speak means we carte enough to be careful, wise, and uplifting with the words we share with our mate.

From both ends of, we need to be slow to wrath. Don’t let what our mate says get us fussed. Something is amiss and it is better to take time to understand rather than get angry. The other side of this is that we need to be careful with our words so that we do not speak in anger.

Let’s follow some Biblical principle and use your intermarital communications to enhance the relationship with your spouse. In short, when it comes to your spouse, you could say, let’s talk.